— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have one friend. Kola is nicknamed "poch" because he has a poch for everything. He lives alone in a 1-room apartment. Then a lamp burned in his room. The usual case. Naturally, the car was dull, you can sit behind the comp and without light. After a while, the light bulb turned in the hallway, again - pooh:) Then the same situation happened again in the bathroom, and then it became sad. But not long. This genius invented a cunning plan. There is a lamp in the kitchen. So when he had to wash, he turned out the lamp from the kitchen to light the bathroom. If something was needed in the room, the lamp went there from the bathroom. In short, he lived for a month, until his parents brought the bulbs for two years in advance) Fuck, after the bulb to the store he was in a break to go, and to twist from place to place - normal.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna