— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I once had a VAZ 2115 car, I was happy with it and I was almost satisfied with it. The only problem was that there was no air conditioning. And also I constantly poured the thosol, changed the thermostat twice, and the front stands. The switches occurred, candles and 3 of the 4 cylinders burned. The resonator was somehow covered and while driving the sound was stripper. Most of all, I was amused by the dimensional lights and the nearby light of the lanterns. When the brake is pressed, the dimensions are lighted, and if they are turned on, the stop signals are lighted. In the winter, in the dark hours of the day, the near light of the lighthouse was not turned off the first time, and if I showed the right turn, the far light of the lighthouse was lit. Then I bought Nissan, and after a couple of miles I thought that when I went to hell, some of the punishments would count on me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna