— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Ordering a taxi?
A familiar girl, Lena, works as a secretary in a large company. She got a new partner, Light. Of course, he does not know all the subtleties of office life yet. The general to her by the selector addresses:
“Light, order a taxi to the airport in an hour.
See also Victor Stepanovich.
He turns around and asks Lena:
What is the taxi number?
I put your phone number on the phone, look.
Then he looks, and there the last number is deleted, and "4" looks like "1".
Light calls the number, and with a thumpy voice asks her:
If you want a blonde, press 2, if a brunette is 3.
Light, not thinking long, presses the key on the selector and asks:
Do you want a blonde or a brunette?
Is it possible to choose a driver? This is service! I have a brunette.
A blonde driver is terrible.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna