— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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and 129
Danny Yakovlev
23 December 2010 at 17:33
Posts Tagged ‘how was my day’"
I got stuck in the morning.
Managed to remove the valve from the heating system.
The result is a stream of boiling water in the ass. How I jumped onto the roof through the u-u-zenk outdoors, I don’t remember. He stumbled on top, through the smell of the boiling water - and on the rope...
I lost this dropdown. How – I do not know. Theoretically it is impossible. I have learned)
5 is I spent 1.5 hours looking for a sparkle with mates and a lighthouse.
6. because it became impossible to work - I went to the boss in full. Despite the dry clothes.
I bought a new drop-off. in 15 minutes. I was called and an old woman was found. Now I have two!
8. opened in the metro "chernovik" Lukyanenko. The first phrase: “There are days when things don’t go well.”The lady who stood next to me ran off the escalator from my hook.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna