— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The story is 99% real. There are people in the Far East, they are called Nanais. Formerly they settled forests on the coast.
Amura and its affluents, forming villages. Historically, their main activities were fishing, hunting and gathering wildlife, well, berries, there, mushrooms. Unexpectedly unexpectedly, and its turn came in autumn gold-headed, and it was time to collect the already ripe shrimp. Well, once it came, it was necessary to gather, gathered on the road two nanayts, and went to the side of the nearby rocks, on the back of the box in the hands of a deer.
The way to them was not far, it was necessary to pass past the swallow and decide on the swallow with which to start. After choosing a suitable breakdown, the friends went to the side of the hole. When they came out on the lawn, they saw a brown-red carpet of ripe fruits spread before them. They began to gather, moving in front, then five in the back, the friends broke up on the field, then closely approaching, then increasing the distance. At one point (or not very beautiful;-)) the nannaeus Vasya felt that someone was pushing him like a elbow into his side. Remembering that except for the shareholder, who saw something interesting, it was to be no one, Vasya slowly turned around. You often find yourself in situations where
30 centimeters from your face, you find a huge bear’s beak looking at you with amazement. Vasya hasn’t been there often, moreover, never before. As it turned out, by some fateful coincidence, Mikhail Potapich also chose this lawn to enjoy the most delicious ripe berries before the winter. So they crawled on the slope, not suspecting the neighborhood of each other. But back to our hero. When I came back and saw the crap,
Vassula has rushed. Only for a second. After a moment, surprise and fear displaced the genetic code of dozens of generations of fishermen and hunters. Vasya, not fully understanding why and why, not allowing the bear to recall from surprise, tightly grabbed the bear behind his ears and cried, no, ZAORAL: AAA, then they rolled the bear down, first the bear, and next to him, clinging to his ears, Vasya. They stopped crawling at the foot of the sopka. The bear was dead. As you know, the owner of the taiga has a weak heart, how should the wild behave? To escape, to hide on a tree, but not to get behind the ears and not to weep exhausted. The bear’s heart could not stand. To the slope came Vasin comrade, there was a new problem. From fear Vasya so tightly grabbed the bear's ears that there was no way to take Vasya away from his ears :-) had to cut off the bear's ears, so they returned home, Vasya with his ears in his hands and his friend with the kittens. Two more days Vasya could not stretch his hands, and after another week his hands were unbearably painful. The story is told by a hunter, personally acquainted with the main actors, and his own eyes saw the carcass of a bear without ears.
P.S Dear deputies, mandates, and other members, please let us not so fabulously cut our Far Eastern forests, and endlessly sell it to China and to Europeans, let us keep in the vastness of our vast homeland at least small untouched places, where such small but miracles happen!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna