— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Today, I wrote a statement to a passportist about the newborn's registration, and in addition to a bunch of papers, they were given another paper to fill (I don't remember before, it wasn't).
First Count: Name Fatherhood
I, as a father (applicant for a passport), have already begun to fill out my data (I write my name) and here the passportist stops me:
The statement must be written by the person who is signed.
She was doing some of her business at that time and apparently said this phrase on the machine.
In my confusion, for three seconds, the gift of speech disappears and I press out:
How would he write if he was just born and could not write?! to
The passportist, naturally, seeing my reaction, turned away from her affairs and looked at me as an idiot and said:
You are a father and you have to write your son’s data.

Here I got the understanding of all this bureaucratic comicity, that I write on behalf of the newborn and after writing the name and paternity of my son I start to press from laughter reading the following line:

Where did he come from and in the clamps nearby (place of the previous checklist)

Guess what to write there?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna