— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Talk about the importance of smell.
The acquaintance told a story that can safely be included in the "epic file" section. Once he had a tight lunch and returned to the room, he felt that his stomach was unhappy and pushed every way to the opening of the gateway to reduce the amount of accumulated gases. Not thinking long, he decided to carry out a test launch, to then smell and assess the degree of threat to others. Here one important point should be noted - a friend for a week as he had a strong nose. As a result, naturally, without feeling anything, he began to shout with a frightening frequency, initially believing that there is no smell - no burning. He thought so until he received a letter from his colleagues in the room, which contained a single link to the search engine, with a field already filled - "hole locks."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna