— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Period of writing the diploma. With the principled scheme of the device there were problems, I called a familiar boy to visit to help. The time is two o'clock at night, it is no longer interesting to sit behind the compass, especially on the horizon so seductively stands the couch. I take a piece of leaves:
I go with the theory.
"I immerse myself in the theory", I don’t snore well, but still at the moment it’s more than inappropriate to sleep – a stranger boy sits behind me writing a diploma, and I "smile with the theory". And here I see another color scheme of the device in action and I hear a voice from reality:
Are you sleeping?
Answer "Yes" can not, it will be bad
– No
What are you doing?
The brain begins to shrink, elaborate options and give a brilliant and very adequate response at the time:
I watched the car paint.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna