— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This is what you probably never saw.
That there are dog guides for the blind everyone knows. Have you seen them being taught? I saw a young, curious dog training on our street. The dog, growing from a small bear, was interested in EVERYONE!
The healthy uncle politely held him by the pen on his jacket. (By the way, the guide dogs here are especially large, so that they can hold the customer with their weight.) The dog tried to move the owner through the usual passage of the light. In the green. He obtained an excuse, and, depicting with all the face of confusion, led the owner to the light for the blind, that meters in the sky.
Thirty th. I went in the same direction, so I saw the whole picture.
At the lighthouse, the dog "worked out" the whole ritual, led the owner strictly.
Zebra, not allowing you to turn in the middle of a wide street. And, with all the face confused, led to the previous crossroads.

And today the dog, to see, passed the exam... As soon as he was not provoked... He led a capricious, smelly girl. She dragged the pen, dragged the dog on the road, smoked him in the face, tried to put him on the back of other people's children, and then led him to the cat. I should have seen his face! “Bringing your head into trouble” is most accurate. He insisted on the "zebra", did not let go on the red light, "did not see" cats and pieces of meat, that he was offered cynical "senders". Even when the mints exploded in a step from him, the petard he did not shake with his face or leg. Just smelled, carefully, the ass of the client.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna