— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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If Superman is so brave, why is he wearing his red trousers over his pants?
Inside there are regular trousers, then a trick, then a local reinforcement of armor in a vulnerable place.In tanks, the front armor is always thicker than in the on-board or feed projection.
Why are planes not made of the same material as black boxes are made for them?
The body of the black box corresponds in strength to the content of the film. The body of the aircraft also corresponds in strength to the human content.
If the word is incorrectly written in the dictionary, how do you know it?
See at least two other authors in the dictionaries.
When a car is driving, does the air rotate inside the wheels?
It smokes, but slower than the tire itself.
The cat always falls on the legs, and the sandwich with oil down. And what happens if you put a sandwich on the back of the cat with oil up and drop it?
The cat will fall with its legs down, and the bruderbood will not fall at all - it will remain attached to the cat's back.
What color is a chameleon when he looks in the mirror?
The background reflected in the mirror.
Why do kamikazes wear helmets?
In the helmet headsets through which he receives the command which ship to attack.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna