— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 62 - ]
This morning was a fucking fuck. :)

I went to school for the Olympics.
Arrived at the stop)
and understood
What should I wear? 😉
I went back, changed clothes, decided to get on the bus at the stop at home.
When I got in, I forgot the bag.)
I think "Well, you and Dow, well, have you forgotten something else?"
And I realized, yes, I washed my teeth and did not brush my teeth.

xxx: the most offensive thing to go out was at 11, and at 10:30 I sat in front of the TV with the thought "all the way to do not"

You are a rare idiot 😉
So, did you go without a bag?? to

xxx: I went without a bag, I was in the bus already))

What is the Olympics?

XXX is fashionable
There is no knowledge, but the ability to think is tested.
I received an e-book.
in the net posed - 8k rubles is worth)

YYY: for what?
" and the ability to think was tested)"
Do you have the ability to think? XD is

xxx: no, the funniest thing that was given for the win in the nomination "for the best memory"


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna