— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I sit in the kitchen, in front of me notebooks, I do it there, I drink tea, I ride dryers, I periodically peel my nails with a nail bar, and I also sit in the nursing ears. My brother is sitting next to me, eating a package and reading on the phone.
I got up, removed my ears, went to my room with a cable for a notepad, took it, came back, went in and saw the picture.
Yurat sits on a chair, perds him, prints there, drinks tea from my cup, squeezes his nails on his right hand (guitarist), and his ears are also squeezed.
Well, I wasn’t confused, grabbed the wire to the notepad, took a spoonful and sat down to eat the bombpack, cleaning the boron.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna