— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Hi the new one?
Mdk: I bought a camel. You have to ask someone what to feed him - it's a pity if he dies.
Tag: you are in
Mdk: The camel, at all. Named - Jeanne - remembered the wachter from our dormitory.
Q: Do you need it?
Mdk: We have a new object in the desert. You won’t even get there in full. Expensive truth - 11 thousand dirhams, for two years, 750 dirhams a month with interest.
zag: so if the camel she then gets to recruit...))) has it already been on them?
Mdk: No, tomorrow the seats will be brought to the company and will show you how to climb them.
Mdk: I need to figure out how to take a notebook with me. The journey is 4 hours in one direction, and the battery is enough for one and a half. Mustafa, the chief energy engineer, proposed that instead of a dynamomachine, take an eccentric from the vibrator with him – the camel would roll – and the spindle would rotate, he was with a machete. There will be electricity. Just along with the stabilizer weighs 40 kilograms, plus my weight, water for the camel - 10 gallons - it's almost 45 kg - I'm afraid as if the camel didn't crash out of the hustle!
Zag: I don’t know if you’re chasing or not))
Mdk: I swear of course!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna