— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was transferred to the Dispute Resolution Department. I read the precedents. This is shit, comrades!
1st Last year, a client suffered an accident on the night of March 2. The mentions wrote him the time of the accident 24:00. The fault of the client, Osago had, but ended on March 2. He extended it in advance, as if there were no problems? How not so. In the first form the deadline is indicated until 23:59:59 on March 2, in the second - from 00:00:00 on March 3. We refused it because the accident occurred outside the insurance period! He filed a lawsuit against the insurance company, but lost.
2nd The customer, drunk, was driving as a passenger in his car. The driver was his friend - sober, insured. refused to. According to the rules, the insurance does not apply if the driver was drunk, and this item is so cleverly written that it is unclear who is meant - the driver or the customer. It proved the second.

I am in Aachen. I sit straight and see the rays of diarrhea flowing through the window.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna