— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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There is an old woman.

The story of the gait, pumping them the lowered wheel, was swinging.

A similar story was told by one of my clients. We call him Sasha.
He himself is horseless, but his wife and daughter also have cars. They live in a multi-way house, which is across the road from a large market.
Therefore, many dropped cars in this yard. Not traveling during the day.
There is a school, a district. In general, three or four years ago, bricks were hanged on the entrances of this court with permission to enter only the employees of the district department and the inhabitants of this house.

Once Sasha and his wife return home, enter the courtyard, park and then the wife remembers that you need to pick up the shoes from the repair, which is near the entrance to the market. Sasha stays in the car, grinding up some of her papers, and his wife moves toward the market. This is observed by one of the haishnikovs who are pasturing on bricks. He approaches the car and silently begins to twist the numbers. Sasha drops the glass and says:
Now you will be turning back.
You keep me here.
Why did you go over to you?
Your own car?
and no.
So go and shut up.
He turns off both numbers and moves into his car. In five minutes, the woman returns with her repaired shoes.
Do we go home?
Your numbers have been turned.
Who is?
There is that fool.
Did you tell him we live here?
He didn’t ask me anything, but when I tried to talk to him, he cried out.
Well let’s go.
Go to Gaia. The one with a smell:
Do we make a protocol?
About what?
How about what? Are you looking at the signs?
Yes I look.
You entered under a ban mark.
Make a protocol. Just look at my passport.
Why do I need your passport? Submit rights and techallons.
Just look at the passport.
Take it, write it.
And what?
You look carefully.
The second time she leaves.
And what?
Pay attention to the license.
He looks, a smile slips from his face.
Why didn’t your companion say anything?
First, it is my husband. Second, did you ask him something?
Take your numbers.
Not okay and don’t take it. First of all, apologize. Secondly, be
Please turn the numbers back. Or I’m going right from here.
complaint to the district department and then to the prosecutor.
He squeezed, shrugged, whispered "sorry" and went to twist the numbers back with an expression on the face, like the homeless housewife, who was shown to smell and even bite a stick of salmon, and then took it and took it away.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna