— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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How to make a pleasant person.
1st Their ex.
Accidentally, meet her unwashed, unwashed, in dirty and torn clothes. Ask for a cigarette and 20 rubles for a beer.
2nd acquaintance with nine.
Coming out of the audition, to comment: "I am in a hurry to drive on someone else, I am afraid of everything until my hands tremble!"
Three by Mama.
She spoke to her father: "It's a pity that there are no girls like you were in your youth. They are all stupid!"
4 is and Dad.
In a sad voice: "Natasha will not call home again, she said that my father has very little..."
5 is The Taxi.
"No, I do not know the roads. What about the $5,000?"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna