— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Once a long time ago, when the Internet was not yet, and the anime could only be obtained on video cassettes, the following funny dialogue took place in the Peter's store:
Two girls aged 12-13 came to choose anime. They ask to advise them "something with boys". The saleswoman, a twenty-and-a-kind man, begins to list: “Here the boys are like this, here they are like that. Here’s "Tenchi", there’s one boy and many girls. This is "Berzerk", well that guy!!!" The girls chose something and the next item they want "something with animals". The seller once again begins to list: “There are animals like this, here are cats. Here "Totoro" is a huge furry beast. This is "Berzerk", well, this is an animal!!!" I slipped on the wall... (c) tanuka


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna