— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The Civil War has just ended, food shortages, and strict regulations on product prices.
Rabinovich sells goats for five hundred rubles per piece and thrives. The neighbor wants to follow his example and puts an advertisement in the newspaper, immediately there are chequists and confiscate his goats.
“Yasha,” the neighbor asks, “why doesn’t Chk come to you? You are
You sell your goats for the same five hundred rubles.
What did you say in the advertisement?
- I wrote: I sell goats for five hundred rubles per piece.
You did very stupidly. I always write: “On Sunday
The church square lost five hundred rubles. The found receives a reward.
and goose.” And the next day, half Odessa brings me the lost five hundred.
The ruble...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna