— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We are from Tambo!
This happened a long time ago, in the 70s of the last century.
An unexpectedly cold Moscow winter, a predicted flu epidemic, although it was officially announced that the incidence rate and the epidemic threshold have not yet been exceeded.
For the night shift (from 20 o'clock in the evening to 8 o'clock in the morning the next day) each fieldship brigade accounts for 25-30 calls, mainly about hyperthermia (high fever) and other flu manifestations.
Treatment is appropriate: a quick examination, analgin with dimedrol, advice to drink more fluid, aspirin, and in the morning to call a district doctor from the clinic to the home.
The brigades went to the substation only if the medicines and syringes were finished (one-time were not yet there).
In one of these long journeys, the brigade’s servicemen (two servicemen: one experienced, the other young) and the driver receive a new challenge.
“Let’s go, beautiful girl, to ride.” They go outside the gate, and here the driver categorically declares that if he does not sleep for 15 minutes, then it is quite real to bring the entire brigade not at the address, but at least to the resuscitation or even to the morge. A collective decision is made - to wrap up in a cage, to shut down the engine and to sleep. It was unpleasant to everyone. There was, of course, no alarm, and the organisms needed sleep, and therefore the brigade woke up only after an hour and a half from the cold in a completely cooled car.
It must be said that the time of "arrival to the patient" was then monitored, and the time of service was strictly regulated depending on the diagnosis.
In general, all were seriously disrupted, both with the relatives of the patient and with the bosses. The driver gave "for gases" and moved to the address, both the police officers with a box and a tonometer ran to the 4th floor, bursting, knocking the call button.
The door is opened by angry relatives of the patient, and here the doctor, who is older, gives the phrase that entered the annals of the substation:
Did you call an ambulance from Tambov?
Minute of confusion (distance Moscow-Tambov - 467 km):
“The Emergency?” The ambulance was called. Why from Tambov?! to
- Well, you know, many challenges, some challenges were scattered across areas,
Here we came...
After that, there was a very good-hearted offer to rest, drink a cup of tea, etc. But above all, a patient! What happened? A careful inspection. Qualified assistance (see Rejection of rest:
Sorry, we have a lot of challenges! No, what kind of money? How not you.
Shame on! What a tea – we are at work!
The challenge formed as a hypertensive crisis with beginnings of pulmonary edema
(It was necessary to justify somehow the long stay with the "patient").
"Apofigeo" came days after ten, when the entire brigade, including the driver, was called to the Chief Doctor of the Emergency of the city-hero of Moscow.
The figure is large, at the level of the Deputy Minister of Health, a cabinet of the size of a tennis court, a secretary, a sharing of phones, including with Herb on the disc...
He received a letter from a patient with a request.
“To express gratitude to the employees of the Emergency Service of the city of Tambov, who, despite the adverse weather conditions and the snow on the roads, heroically served the call to such a person, provided very qualified assistance, etc., etc. At the same time, I ask to explain why such a large organization, such as the Emergency Service of the city of Tambov.
Moscow is unable to provide timely assistance to the inhabitants of the city and is forced to ask for help from the SMP of Tambov.

The rest – in the words and on behalf of the “guilty of celebration”:

The eyes in the park.

The main:

“Ah, the Tambovans have arrived, well pass, I do not offer to sit down...” and then the full program with the legs melting, the face hyperemia, the screams:

"And how you dared, yes, I will take you all to Tambov, forever, and the wheels will be removed, and in a schedule of 8 hours (extremely unprofitable schedule of work and materially and physically not sleeping), and all the challenges I will control myself!!“!”

“Forgive me, I’m not going to be again!”“!”

“That never again, under no circumstances, under no circumstances... Go.”

and after:

“Of course, the young people.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna