— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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History is real.

In my student life, few people did not work, eat hunting, and

The scholarship is small.

This is not about scholarships.

We arranged with the boys in the subway - washing the cars at night.

This is a normal job for the student. Before 1 or 2 nights, wash the floor.

Car and sleep. Immediately in the car. Specially drawn mattresses, pillows,

The blanket.

He also worked fairy tales. It is true to get up at 5 in the morning. Members begin to leave

From the Depot.

This is prehistory.

Once washed the floors and decided to celebrate the birthday of one of the boys.

The Comrade.

There was vodka, but no snacks.

Drink from the throat.

In 30 minutes. Everyone was already asleep.

I Woke Up First (Eight o’clock in the Morning)

In front of me people hang, in the wagon pressure - people go to work.

We’ve been there and back for three hours.

And how the controllers at the end stations didn’t wake us up – it’s unclear.

And the wagons 7 ril sleep on mattresses with pillows and covered with blankets.

How I woke them, how they woke up.

As we walked on the perron not washed with mattresses and blankets under the mouse.

This is another story.

But from the car, no one said a word.

Something was uncomfortable.

As far as I can remember, I feel uncomfortable.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna