— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Comments on the website of the online store to the juicer Pro-V-Juicer (its advertisement is rotated around the clock on the TV-Sale channel):

ELENA SMIRNOVA: How do you get your car back? Who survives nothing!! Why are you deceiving people!!! It doesn’t cost two rubles!!!! to

Ivan Giuseppe: It is not true. I bought it and very pleased, it presses everything! Even redis, carrots, hernia (hrenovaha with blu-cruasau mm... ))))) presses out tapinambur (it is a pear!The female root. I pressed out the meat - a great sublimation is made. Cabbage juice, I recommend it to everyone. One minus - my grandfather from advertising now lives with me and constantly asks me to mix some juice with vodka. He is old, but he will soon die. I will press him.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna