— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Megabait: Listen what happened to me tonight.
Megabyte: Hanging a client’s satellite plate. The client lives in a private house. In short, a piece of tiles under my feet went and I with the satfider in one hand and the key in the other didn’t have time to catch up with anything, but my pants clung to the television antenna, and it (the tube itself) at the base was rotten and collapsed. I fell first on the apple seed and it broke off, then hit my back very hard on the fence and crashed into the dog canoe in full force. Conor in the shells. The dog apparently died of fear (I didn’t want it at all!). And my foot I managed to break the glass in the window (while flying wanted to re-group but didn’t have time). Now they still have a roof. There are no dogs. In the courtyard, a pogrom like after a rocket attack, there is no internet and the zombie fighter does not show. I am a high-class professional. This is written on my visit card.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna