— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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During the course of work, we often have to communicate with our various state structures and so on. including regional drug control. This happened last year, if you believe the witnesses. Although it is not possible to read about it in official reports, of course.
Two employees returned from some sort of examination, or something like that. It was the beginning of the fifth and in principle, although the working day and continued, decided to go home. At the end of the day, no one knows how long they have been on the object. The weather was good and it was decided to walk a little on one of the central streets. In an interesting conversation, they noticed what is called "your client".
The eye is blurred, a drug addict in the crowd can be distinguished. Connecting was stupid. Especially because the house and relatives were not so far away, who will be pleased with the early arrival of the fathers of the families in any way. One of the drug policemen slowed down near the kiosk, the second, meanwhile, followed through the eyes of a potential detainee. A young man stopped near one of the houses. I talked to someone on the phone. A buyer approached him. And, without embarrassing anyone, right in the middle of the dinner town (the central street) was the sale of grass. Such greed the drug dealers could not tolerate and, forgetting about the intention to return home earlier, rushed to meet the customer and the seller. The first man managed to escape. The second, under the white pencil, was sent for examination, which naturally gave positive results, further for interrogation. After that, it was decided to detain the young man for a couple of days, until details were clarified. Well, or what it’s called, without being a lawyer, I won’t say exactly.
Close to lunch the next day, the guys were called from the guard to come down. At the bottom of the passage they were waiting for a pale, intelligent pair of middle-aged and a deeply pregnant girl in tears. “Have you delayed that?” “We” “Please let go...”
The company was asked to get up to the office, on the road the police explained to them: the process has been launched, it is not possible to release your young man, because they are taken with a rack, a lot of witnesses, confession has been received and so on. And then it turns out: on the day of the arrest, the young man had a boy. At the height of the event, he disappeared and when he did not return by night, the frightened bride and parents began to call first friends, then the hospital, the police and finally the traces of the bridegroom were found in drug control. The evening following the day of detention should be a wedding. Not just a wedding, but a village. How in the areas like to cook about young people - everyone knows. The bride in the position is in any case an occasion for gossip, and when the bridegroom either fled or was detained - the story is separate.
The girl would not have lived after this not only relatives, but also peasants. She has no place to move with her parents. The guests are invited, the tables are covered, and the bridegroom is not allowed. The situation is pathetic.
A couple of police officers looked at us and what to do. Read a lecture about why do you give birth to a drug addict? Inhuman and stupid. Helping without violating the statute is impossible. How does the bridegroom escape justice after or during the wedding? The girl's parents, as if guessing about their thoughts, interrupted each other, saying, "Yes, we will thank you. Well you will understand... Go to meet... We and his suit brought... We only have to play the wedding, and there as a daughter will give birth, they will divorce... The child will not know about his father. The main thing is that the village does not see that the child is illegally born. We still live there...”
The men came out of the door, consulted and decided. Wedding to be. But on condition.
In their car, they reached the monkey, wrote out the bridegroom for the monkey.
"Additional interrogation and a full-time rate", after urging colleagues to give the suspect to them before 8 o'clock in the evening, put on the guy handcuffs, submerged in a bowl. They were brought to the department, washed in the toilet, brought in order, changed clothes and put before the fact: "You are getting married, but! We don’t care what you say to friends and family, but one of us is now your witness and the other is your best friend from childhood. I agree, we went.” Already in front of the village, the handcuffs were removed from him, and he...
The wedding went great. Young people signed up. I went to the table. Tammy tried to get the guests. The "witness" was blown up in the competitions. A childhood friend also conquered his homeland. Time is fast approaching X.
Looking at the clock, the "witness" suggested to bring the young people to the bedroom.
"You understand, our bride is tired, eat, drink, dear guests, and we will leave you." The newlyweds went to the bedroom. The door closed. The bridegroom dressed out of the festive suit, with the witness out through the window, plunged into the car, put on handcuffs. At the right time minute by minute, the young man returned to the camera.
In the morning, the happy parents of the bride came back into drug control. Say thank you to the benefactors for humanity, for the fact that no one of their relatives suspected a criminal past-real-future son-in-law. I am grateful to the police officers for writing. But they had to abstain: for such a self-government, the employees risked to remain without pursuit and to fly out with a wolf ticket. Internal instructions were violated in no way. On the other hand, the guys did absolutely right. Or it’s just me wanting to think so...

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