— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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“Everything in the world is relative.”
by A. Einstein

This happens often, and many have witnessed or participated in it.
I go on the route. The route is large, like a bus with two doors.
The weather is the most that is May: there is decent rain and water streams flow along the prospectus along the borders.

I am coming out soon, so I am standing at the door next to the driver. It is worth saying that road drivers are, for the most part, a very peculiar contingent, with only their own humor.

We approach the stop, two girls stand under the umbrellas and, a little further, a few more potential passengers. The driver calls to the cashier:
Okay, we have to scratch?
Turn the wheel to the border in the water stream. On the girls flies a stream of dirty water, and they jump back with a whisper. These two beads, the driver and the cashier, the rjute. They have such a sense of humor! Among the passengers there are also a few like them who are choking.

The route stops, both doors open – who goes out and who enters. Through the back door enters a man from the class of those who can be described with one word: "SHKAF". It passes through the salon, culturally pushes away toward the passengers, with two hands removes the driver from the lamb and throws it out into the street through an open door. Then, without rushing out, he lifts the main character of the story from the asphalt and plunges him into the stream running along the road. He shakes his hands against each other and, not in a hurry, goes to the side to wait for his router.

Reaction of spectators.
1st Those who stood at the stop applauded.
2nd Among those who drove on the road are heart-healthy aunts who say:
Why is it so! It could be humane! How do we go next!? to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna