— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Someone who works in support.
calls the customer (K) to those support (T)
Q: Hi I am your subscriber I have a problem with the internet, I don't work half the monitor
Q: You probably need to contact the computer/monitor service center.
Q: No, I’m your subscriber, I’m paying you money, and your internet is on the right side of the screen, and it doesn’t work with me and I can’t see what’s there like, fix me my monitor with your internet!
The company's policy does not allow you to send the subscriber out, the operator of those support tries to find out what is with the monitor, but the customer can not explain the fact.
I decided to send a specialist to help find out.
When the specialist arrived at the scene, he barely contained from laughing. It turned out that the shelf from the closet is ripped out on the table, and when the Client tries to lead the mouse to the right side of the monitor, the hand rests on the shelf and does not allow him to move his hand further and he can not get to the right side of the screen with the mouse cursor.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna