— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The main talent of any marketer and marketer is the ability to surprise. If you shuddered, shuddered or whispered from enthusiasm when you see advertisements - it means that you are on the hook, your money will soon flow into someone else's pocket.
In Italy is now running a funny fairy tale about a sculpture merchant from
Naples - his business went just wonderfully, until greed destroyed everything. This merchant - called him Pietro - sold copies of famous statues to the Napolitan people: all kinds of Davids, Tutankhamun, eight-belly wolves, who fed Romulus and Remus, and similar antiques.
Such a product needs good advertising. Having in the bathroom.
For Venus of Milos, and in the land of Heracles, scratching Augie's stalls, a thought may not be bad, but for an ordinary person it just doesn't come to the head. Even if this man walks past the sculpture store every day.

Here is our Pietro and the idea came to mind - to advertise gips statues with the help of a living statue. Living statues make a great impression on people, but the cost of them is minimal: a person is clothed in the right suit, covered from the legs to the head with a special one-tone paint, and here
The statue is ready. You want Napoleon Bonaparte, you want Cleopatra, you want
The Roman Legion. You will not distinguish from the original, especially if you stand humbly and do not move.

Moreover, Pietro went a risky and provocative way: since his store was in a wealthy neighborhood, and among potential buyers predominated wealthy ladies, he decided to put the naked Apollo at the entrance. It was a genius calculation. Imagine yourself in the place of a woman of forty years: you walk in the street, hold a glance at the statue of a beautiful naked guy, breathe at yourself, "Oh, where are my twenty years?"
And suddenly this Apollo comes to life, takes you by the shoulder and says with a smile:
“ The Lord! Do not pass by! Buy my copy! Here is the best sculpture store in Italy - you can decorate your living room with a sample of true art and become famous among your friends with a subtle admirer of the beautiful!"
Show me a woman who will then refuse to go to the store.
Anyone will go simply out of politeness, from nostalgia, and simply because she was called a beauty.

The gentlemen entered. Trade went very hard, and profits grew in a frightening progression.
But Pietro was a greedy man. The fact is that he always promised the hired Apollo big money (2 thousand euros per week), but never paid anything and came up with a clever scheme for this. Under the terms of the contract, the hired guy had to stand for a week at the entrance to the store.
9 a.m. to 19 a.m. without going anywhere for a long time. Three or four days all the guys successfully fulfilled these conditions, and on the fifth day to Apollo approached an eighteen-year-old girl of blinding beauty - daughter.
Pietro—and began to seduce the poor guy, to say compliments to him, to chew his back and begging to “lead her home.” all
The Apollons, one after the other, could not withstand such a strike and fled with the girl - fled at least because one of the parts of the body took a position that was unthinkable for the statue and public order. After an hour-and-a-half walk "to the house" the girl stated that she was joking, said "arivederchi, idiot" and disappeared. And the poor Apollo in the evening was waiting for a terrible whisper from Pietro: "Where have you walked, thief? You had a few hours! Get rid of this moment! I am not going to pay you!”

The scheme worked smoothly for several months and allowed the clever Pietro to save several tens of thousands of euros. The end of prosperity came unexpectedly. On Friday, when another
Apollo fled from the workplace, beaten by the charms of a young beauty, Pietro never waited for his daughter home. I did not go back to the store and the guy. Neither Saturday nor Sunday had any news from the daughter and Apollo. And only on Monday morning, when Pietro was about to go for a search, the young men appeared - with engagement rings on their hands, and asked to give them thirty to forty thousand euros for the first time. It turned out that the newly born son-in-law of Pietro had a bunch of debts, problems with the mafia and a lot of poor relatives.

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