— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From one of the forums:
Subject: Thermorectal cryptoanalysis
He is...
There was such a case in my practice.
I was invited to a barbecue, the ventilation in the hotel was broken. We had to change the engine and connect it properly.
And there, in this hotel, the doctors settled. And the chip had a calonhydrotherapy, as it is called. For those who do not know, I will explain:
A person suffering from illness, two slanges were inserted into his ass. In one hose water warm with non-ibatzo active superturbobacteria was supplied and from the other all the shit was sucked out. He heals all diseases.” And the water heater they asked from the ventilation system (well, what are the projects here? Which lines are closer, there and written)
Well... I shortened, the ventilation shield then turned off, well, and their junkyard turned out the same. And at this time on the procedure (hule – Glamour) was the director of the hotel........ The water in the point cold went...............

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna