— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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He lost a friend 100 rubles in a bet, wanted to throw on the phone,
But the terminal did not work, so payment was postponed until evening. I write to him in aska:
The terminal does not work. Cinema in the evening. The money will be during
Listen, Johnny, Don Carlon won’t be very pleased with this.
Listen to
Don’t just cut off Elizabeth’s fingers anymore
Oooo, Elizabeth... as she stood, Johnny
Do not touch her with your dirty hands, shit!
If there is no money, there is nothing to touch.
I will repay the debt. Let me talk to her.
1 to Allo. and Elizabeth!! to
1 Everything will be fine. You hear me sweet!! to
and Johnny!! to
2 is cute!! to
1 by Elizabeth.
What they put in my mouth I can’t say.
Now, Johnny, you understand our determination.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna