— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I love Russia. There are no names we have. Here for example:
I come, one morning at the police station (I don’t remember why) the big line was standing, the police officer did not come yet. Within five minutes, the guard rushes, all of the rushes and begins there, filling something. After the whole hall:
Good day!
He also has a clear pen:
Good day!
He is again:
Good day!
The people are already dumb, why is it he is dumb for the second time, well, according to the figure, they answer:
Good day!
The officer is angry:
Good morning here?! to
The grandfather at the end of the turn with a quiet voice:
Here I am, I will come.
Everyone was a little upset. Well, what can I say, the name is not chosen.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna