— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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“Millions” for Millionaires
We sit at a lengthy general meeting with our boss and “dismantle” a new big project.
The boss ringed the phone, he apologized, saying that it was a business partner, probably something urgent.
(Followed by the Head of Telephone)

What did not come?
I didn’t even get it right away, but last week.
half of turn. You have to go with the pedal, you have to go.
- No, gasoline must be, I poured 20 liters into it myself, three months
Back and no more.
- Well, changing the brake pads is a barst, maybe give it more.
Should I change her summer tyres? Without the gardens we will survive, we will ride.
Yes, but it would be worth washing it... Okay, as you call the phone. All of them,
I embrace.

The boss put off the phone and saw that the faces of all of us were stretched and strained.
He understood that in two words he had to explain such a strange telephone conversation and smiled and said:

- It was called by my neighbor Slavik, we bought an old package with him
“Gigg” and he could not get something today. Every day I opened,
And today we couldn’t... So what did we stop at...?

He’d better not explain anything at all. What old jigsaw? What a fold? Our boss has three cars and none of them is cheaper.
$100,000 and older than two years. We have also heard about Slavik, he eats a new "Jigul" at lunch in the restaurant, why do they have the old one, and even in the fold...? And most importantly - why brake pads are a barrel!!? to
We bowed our eyes side by side, waiting for a person to jump out and say, “Smile, you are being filmed by a hidden camera!!! »
The boss noticed the general confusion, climbed and suddenly cheered amusedly, like a child. He laughed and said:
- Something really with this "Gigul" I look like a crazy survivor.
Don’t worry, I’m still very conscious. This is not a car, it is a garage.
I usually live in a suburb, but sometimes I spend the night in a city apartment and there we have in the courtyard such a pillar of cars that it is unrealistic to park at all, but in the corner of the house between the benches there is a small pocket for two cars on the side, only everyone was afraid to turn there, or somebody will be closed, and I offered Slavik to buy "Jigul", not to ride, but to stand. In short, the gate with the motor. He always has a place in his pocket. When one of us comes home, he drives our old lady away, puts his car in his pocket and closes it back with a jiggle. So we and Slavik are fierce patriots of our automotive products, during the day he will guard the place, and at night he will protect from hijackers.

I have once again been convinced: what for the ordinary man is an insoluble problem, then for the wise man is only a charge for the mind.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna