— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One comrade explained to another about the difference between digital and analog communication:
You bought a pack of peelings and brought it home. But to walk up to the fifth floor lazy, I want to walk with a beer and all that. You go under the windows of the apartment and shout, “Mom, take the pellet!” and when Mom looks out the window, you throw the package. You go on with your business, and the peelmen and their flight no longer bother you. It is an analogue connection.
- And you can also say this: you shout "Mommy, take the peelmen!" and you will throw the peelmen one by one. You throw, you wait, you ask "Mommy, have you caught a pellet?". If the answer is yes, throw the next pellet. If negative – you search for the loss and throw it again until you get a confirmation of receipt. You do so with the whole package. This is the number percent.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna