— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have been dealing with the original trolling for several weeks.

My husband and I live in an apartment on the first floor. On the side of the street, the carnise is wide and flat, and for a few weeks a strange cat has been hanging there. And unforced so, he will jump on the carniz and sit calmly.
Seeing this, our pet runs on the window with all his legs, removing pots with flowers from it, begins to rush on the glass, whistle, whistle, scratch the window in an attempt to punish the guest. The guest does not react at all. He continues to sit completely quietly on the carnise, standing by our window and watching the rage of our cat. He sits a little and leaves. After a couple of hours comes and chaos begins again at home, our cat begins to spit and scratch the glass. It turns out among the cats there are also trolls, who are scared to watch how they are heated and sprinkled with saliva.
The husband, tired of watching the constant urges of the pet to invade a stranger, tried to drive the guest away with a wreath. But the cat solves this problem very simply – when a person with a wreath approaches the window, he jumps and runs away to a safe distance. When the husband is away, the cat again jumps on the carniz and everything starts again - the cat and husband fly to the window in anger.
So now the cat trolls two. That is skill! And the main thing is not showing any emotions, only iron calm.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna