— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My friend's bzik - to collect all kinds of crafts from cardboard paper, and the main preference he gives to weapons. in the bedroom he has on the wall a whole arsenal of his own-handed glued machines, carabins, even rpg hangs. And he still has a kitten, who naturally does not sit in place, and when he penetrates into the bedroom, he of course tries to arrange for the disarmament of the owner.

So, he came to a friend guests he had never been at home before. Snooping in the living room. A friend went to himself with the words, he said "Now I will show you something interesting." guests intriguedly quieted and in this silence the bedroom reads:

Where are you going to shop for the calas?!...

The reaction of the guests should have been seen)))))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna