— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I once when I was in school, class in the 10th-11th in the dressing room starred comy then in the heady keto,called it a bottle of provision and justice in the 89th galaxy of something there,I don't even remember what"and in order not to polychat quickly broke into the back door of the dressing room.on it hanged a small lock that I slightly ripped out the dirty for rychky.the door was rotten and the petelica just left to hurt in the wall and I happily ran further.yny how...running away..not knowing why the door of the wall((what if it was for the house of the house, there was a secret room, I was in the room with ythyteny at full speed(
No one was able to beat, even a kissed shoe was forgiven, but the status of the Rare Successful still remains behind me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna