— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The necessary clarifications.
As you know, the Soviet people were engaged in the execution and over-execution of plans.
All this happened thanks to the wise leadership of the Communist Party.

In the mid-1970s, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev, held a meeting with the asset of cotton-seeding areas. In the hall were the secretaries of the district commissions, chairs of executive committees, directors of Soviet farms, advanced cotton workers. Reports and reports came from the tribune.
Finally, the turn came to the noble brigadier. He also read his paper and was about to leave the scene, as suddenly a question was asked by the main actor:
What are you talking about success? Is there any
Failures and wishes?
The farmer walked away, not knowing what to say.
The question sounded again, already with signs of chief anger.
The brigadier met a glance with the terrible face of his secretary.
RK shrugged and said:
- There are shortcomings, Comrade First Secretary. Not very supplied.
Meat and milk are not always available in the store. little
They bring.
Aliyev was surprised.
Do they bring too little? You don’t live in the city, you live in the village.
The family holds the cow. Why do you need milk in the store? This is what you have, no.
The Cows?
The confused speaker complained:
No, Comrade Aliyev
And why? The chairman did not.
The answer of the colloquial entered the annals forever.
- So after all, the cow must be pasted somewhere, but how to do it if the cotton is a little bit
Are they not at the door of the house? A cow is not a beetle to keep it on the road.
It will be bound, and it will grow fat.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna