— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My aunt barely broke me in pieces. As usual, they sold meat. Aunt of Tites. I approached and looked. I asked what the ribs were, they answered. The aunt bats together.
I am not a fool, give me one.
They opened my eyes on me.
And with a terrible voice – it’s our turn!
Fuck, there was a crowd, not a line.
I am where?
They immediately set up the line.
I am OK.
I stand (I wait) they stand in a row and remain silent.
I have a seller, will you get it?
I am AHA
Weighs my ribs)) I take, pay for a friend's whining and leave)) how I didn't fly the sausage in my back I don't know))))))))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna