— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Our dog, the German Shepherd Dusi, is no longer alive, but some of the stories of the heroines she has been told so far. The dog had a normal sense of humor and everyone knew about it. And she was the favourite of all the entrance, she loved to visit, like all the dogs, she loved when she was fed, but she was not a beggar and she did not eat. In this case, it could be scratched and scratched. But the story is not about that, but about speaking birds.
Neighbors Vitaly and Olga lived with birds. Kenar Kesha and the wave-shaped poppy Petya. Kenar sang beautifully and swallowingly. Such treats with such transitions - I have never heard of them. The pope said, “The bird,
Petya is good, good. The birds were free. They flew around the living room, flying freely around the room. Of course, they targeted everything they could.
Tasting delicious from the plate. Sitting on their heads and hands. At the same time, each had his own cell with an open door, into which they flew tired of freedom.
But one day, Ducey and I came for a visit. Yes, I forgot to say that the dog’s reaction was instant. Natural data and constant training: catching flies and mosquitoes in total darkness... We stand in the hallway, waiting for permission to pass. At that time, the puppy thought about flying over the head of the dog. To further actions the brain simply did not react so quickly everything happened. There was a bird and not... and not even whispered. From the closed, not very small fist of the shepherds, two rainbow paparazzi wings sparked... No scene. Very similar to the symbol of our Aeroflot, the Dog did not know what to do next with its prey.
All the actors on the scene were just upset. The situation was saved by Olga - the owner and educator of the bird. On a pure ultrasound she whispered: Duousya... Yippidy yi yi! Dusya was a very polite dog, and she realized she had done something wrong. The fist opened, a poppy broke out of it and somehow flew into his cage with a zig-zag. Nothing was broken. No bite or physical injury. Only a nervous breakdown in the poor pope. At first he polished. Then he stopped talking. Then somehow uncertainly remembered that he was a Petya and very good. But here is the exhausting cry:
The Doomsday...! He repeated accurately. We never went to the birds with our dogs. The dog had no mental injuries.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna