— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In Russia - tens of thousands of professional photographers, in the world even more. They take $800 for a wedding shooting, they go there, tilt the mirrors for vertical exposure, with such complicated faces all, give some sort of excitement.
And at the same time, this army of "professional" does not know about one simple thing. When they tell the crowd not to blink, and then choose a plan and adjust for a few seconds, people start microconvulsions of the facial muscles, which immediately affects the entire mimic, and someone will definitely blink from the outbreak.
So here are the respectable "professional" and "photography genius" - there is one phrase that can be easily explained to a company of 5-10 people and a little more difficult 15-25:

"On Team All Mornings - And After This I Shoot"... "They are out!!" "Chi-Chi-Chi"

That’s all, fucking photographers!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna