— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 47 - ]
This is > Blind. Whose jeans are I wearing?
Dr.Alf -> sex in the corridor )) gesture :)
I think it’s okay> :-)
Dr.Alf -> well I look that night went well :-D
Ischadije -> Yes, I say, I remember... I remember some boys—they came to us through the window. They should have been looking for happiness... Even under the song of the heart, they made such a fucking thing.
I’ve changed my mind, I’m not going to look for them, I’m ashamed to look in my eyes.
Dr.Alf -> How many people are ashamed to look in their eyes?
I’m trying to> remember
Dr.Alf -> in a week full composition in sq ))))
Is it > full composition? In... what?
Dr.Alf -> KVD... Lenin 100
Home> There is a hospital like...
Dr.Alf -> go to the guys ask )) they know I think
Dr.Alf -> I'd like to see their rows when you ask if they know what CVD is for lenin 100 )))))))
Ischadije -> moved... the mother... what’s that?? to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna