— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 57 - ]
Christo: Was in shock...
Christo: Most cellular providers have such a chip as SMS info, or x3 as they call it there.
Christo: So, let’s do it, let’s think I’ll see what it’s like... Section "Puzzles", I’m puzzling with mystery...
Christo: in minutes comes the SMS: (puzzle 1) the strawberries split into 4 parts, and when they ate
There are 5 steps. How is it possible?
Christo: Well, I think it doesn’t seem to be difficult, if the center is cut out of it, just 5 cubes and it will remain...
A few minutes later, a SMS arrives:
(Page 1) Yes, if the tractors are women.
Christo: Huyace undervoh...0_o

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna