— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Vitaly Grigoryevich Melentiev. The Blue People of the Pink Earth
Publisher of Children's Literature, Moscow, 1966
Chapter 25: The betrayal of robots

“You know, Yurochka,” he said, “you know... I dreamed that if you fly with us, then... when you grow up, we... we, well, maybe not.
We’ll get married, but we’ll be friends.
What happened after these words with Yorka is almost impossible to describe. His eyes were rounded, his mouth opened. For some reason, looking around, he wanted to say something, but he could not say a word anymore - the blow was stronger than in the sub-world throw: the consciousness almost turned off.
What about you, Yuri? He strictly asked Miro. - By the way, not only Zet dreamed of this to some extent, but I too...
Yuri could not even think anymore. He suddenly stood up from his chair, hit himself in the head, murmured and finally whispered:
You... guys... maybe that... the most sublime...
Tann was rattled:
Don’t go crazy, Yuri. Do not think that any of us went crazy.
Yes, but how...
Zet and Miro are girls.
– But guys... guys... – Yuri cried.
You are calmer. and calm. There is no female in our language. In fact, he was both a female and a male. And now there is one thing left: we are all equal. Have you noticed that Zeth or Miró differ in something from me or Quach?... I believe you will soon catch up with our civilization.

Getting caught, getting caught...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna