— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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During the war, during the German offensive, the Belarusian partisans hid in the forest (namely in the swamps), because they knew it as their five fingers.
Because of the shortage of shoes, we wrapped weaved sleeves from the lawn that would make the screw more comfortable. And the footwear leaves a mark, very similar to the protector of a motorcycle tire.
Well, once the Germans attacked the track, where the partisans passed, they look: "And here the Russians on motorcycles passed!". Let us pursue your motto. Yes, they were so captivated that they walked into the mud, and they had almost time to jump out of a drowning motorcycle. They look in shock at the leaving trail, and Russian combat equipment goes further into the depths.) And again they are convinced that the Russians cannot be won by the war.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna