— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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On the outskirts of Brest near the airport there is a small lake. Nearby are residential houses. It is clear that in the hot summer, people from these houses went to swim in it. But last summer, the lake was very heavily grown with all kinds of algae, pebbles, and so on. A man in public order decided to clean the lake. He put on a mask, attached an extender to the respiratory tube to breathe under the water, attached the cargo to his feet, took his hair and entered the lake.
At this time, a company of young people came to the lake to rest and drink vodka. Imagine the picture: these guys are sitting down and drinking vodka. Suddenly, everything was quiet, the waters split, and from there something all appears in green algae, in the teeth and with a crust in the hands...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna