— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Deflector is fucking fucking!! Elijah went to work. As usual, we boarded the bus. This is an ordinary carousel. As usual, all places are occupied. I went to DNS. Somewhere on the road was a brake. All such: "What happened?" Drivers: "They broke a little. Now 5 minutes and we will go." Takes the mounting and the key of the hook and goes out of the bus. He enters the front, bends and that it does there begins. Well, we sit, I hear the driver knocking that it’s there. Everything is fine, the people are calm. But suddenly, fucking... The bus on the hill stood, and the driver did not put on the handle, nor on the transmission. Carroce, the bus left a little back. And what do we see? She sits, fucking drives on the back to the bus, knocks on the montage on the crane key and sits... Suka, in Karos, almost the glass did not fly from the explosion of laughter. Fuck you know how we will go home, who will be lucky. 50 km is...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna