— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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He went home today. And not just somewhere, but on the street, along which the grandmothers sit with various types of vegetables and batteries. And here, passing by another such composition of old ladies and cucumbers, I hear a great phrase. Prehistory: The girl bought something from these shark, and the surrender for some reason did not appear. The oligarchs have little money. To their honor to say - the idea of "exchanging" came to their mind almost immediately. And here at this moment:
The egot! Change the hundred?
No, I do not have. Ask the outside. of the Aitishnik.
(I barely smoked a cigarette at that time.)
The grandmother hurts up and follows somewhere along these street supermarkets. I follow her through the eyes and strike onto a sad 50-year-old man sitting in front of a bowl of ollo! The discs! The Hole, the Hole.
It was only at this point that I realized how strongly information technology has entered modern life.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna