— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This story happened in the early 1990s, I was fifteen or sixteen at the time. I had an eagle, Jessica, and I regularly attended a “club” of like me, lovers of walking dogs in the park.
the university. Mostly there were my peers – which is typical, most of them also with the erdeles – but the club was open, and people (as well as dogs) were very different. So, a man of seventy years came to us, he was called... em... it seems, Pavel Semenovich. Strangely enough, he also had an elderly erdelina named Inga – a calm, even indifferent creature of a completely unerdelic temperament, such a walking barrel (knowers will understand). Not brilliant in the exterior. but
Semenich is not that the soul did not wail in his animal, no, they were almost a single whole - one sign, and the dog is obeyed. and vice versa.

Semenich was a great fan of poisoning. It felt that a man was lonely, otherwise what would an elderly person communicate with such a "school"
(In terms of age, not level of development). His favourite books were stories about the time he served in the KGB, and also about how his Inga struck the cock without waiting for the beast to be shot. At first, we respected the age, quietly shuffled. Then a little enough. In the end, I could not withstand, said, say, enough to pour, I do not believe that this walking barrel can bite even a puppy, and not what a cock. Semenich was not offended, even somehow stumbled – it seemed to him – and offered to meet with the whole company on Sunday morning at the station. “I will show you!
He promised at last. “Don’t take dogs.”

And this is Sunday morning, half eight o’clock, and we are standing, wearing and waiting like fools. There is no semen. “Nudule,” was the first thought. “Well, we’ll arrange for him,” – the second, associated with the invention of plans for revenge. At the very moment of discussing what exactly we will do with him, Semenich and Inga jump out of the station. “Where are you! I already got the tickets. Yes, you are five. We went!” and, waving the tickets, drives us to the electric car.

In the train we finally more or less woke up and asked where we were going. “In the reserve,” replied Semenich. I woke up completely here.
“So it’s closed today!” you think wrong. They will be opened for us.”
“Now well,” I thought.

exactly. have opened. Not only did they open, but they met at the station on two cars. There were suspicions in my soul – and so is the simple Semenich. Okay, we go to the reserve. Tea, acquaintance with salmon, good attitude - all signs that guests are happy. And finally, the branch in which a lonely cock is walking is not too small, it must be admitted. Semenich calls Ingu (she always jokes with him without a sleeve, in one necklace, complete crumbling, the meaning of which was only to hold a token), removes the necklace and gets from the backpack another.
My mother! It was not just a necklace, it was a collar with a large letter, rather like a necklace for the neck – of thick skin, broadened, all in metal plates. It was only worth this ammunition to touch the neck.
Inge, as she began to transform, just like in horror films. All the muscles stretched, the body recovered, the eyes burned, and the movements became so rapid that the eye did not always catch them. The team did not sound, there was only a slight resolving gesture. Erdelina crashed from her seat, with a long leap she swallowed a two-metre fence and went to the cockroach. At first he did not understand such a hassle - shit I or what, in nature? But after a few sensitive bites of his ass, he quickly realized that if he was a cock, it was only in the sense of wild.
After that, he began to whisper from Inge.

Have fun, go on the road! The poor wild pig just flew all over the squad, but it was everywhere overtaken by the rotted fist of the erdeline. It ended up with the fact that the cock struck his ass in the corner and, putting up the spikes, grieved complainingly. The whole action from the start to the shameful surrender lasted ten minutes. After that, Semenych called the dog. Another beautiful leap over the fence - now out, - and Inga stands in front of the owner. And he took off the monstrous necklace, put it in the backpack, put it on the ordinary dog and smote Ingu on the head – and that instant turned into our usual.
“Fucking.” And the gift of speech came back to us very soon.

Then everything was strange: a special excursion for us through the reserve and its museum, shells with smoke, new stories... But this spectacle of the transformation of the old sad barley into a real beast – the most remembered for us from that day.

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