— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Lisa in the Village

In the middle of our village, right in front of my cellar, there is a small, but two-storey stone house of pre-revolutionary construction.
Its original purpose for me remained unclear - and on the residential is no more like, but not an embar any. Under Soviet rule, it was used as a store –, for this purpose and was built. When the long-awaited freedom came, someone bought the store. In the first year there was an extensive range, in the second - only bread, canned foods and vodka, and in the third - it was covered. The enterprise did not withstand the competition - in a neighboring village, located very profitably, at the intersection of local highways, there were three food stores, it was there that people came and came to load up.
For several years the house stood without sight. But here there appeared some dumb, unspoken man named Cole, and soon in the windows of the house began to see the sewing machines. Every day, without weekends, in the bus coming from the district center at seven in the morning, six aunts of different ages, even less conversational than their apparently master, entered the house, held the curtains on the windows, and at five in the evening they left. Kolya drove there in a closed Mitsubishi van somewhere in the middle of the day and after a couple of hours drove away. Since that stone house was on the opposite side, I watched all this.
Eventually my curiosity was awakened, and I began to rush to
What does their office produce like that? But he was reluctant to contact, and since he decidedly refused to drink, I was unable to unlink his tongue. Only once Kolya threw the phrase: "our products are elegantly sitting on the grandmothers", and soon I lost interest in his organization.
On the weekend, my cousin Slavik came to me from the capital. He was a computer expert and was considered the only one among all our relatives to be a truly wealthy man. But not at the expense of his work, but at the expense of his wife Lisa. He was the head of the department of a very large bank. I was told how much she earns, but in order not to injure someone’s vulnerable psyche, I won’t voice the numbers. They had a expensive mansion for the weekend in the nearby suburb of Moscow, but Slavik was a stubborn fisherman and loved to sit with a whip in the local Volga affluents, with clean water and rich in prey.
And, in addition, he seriously, from my heart, was delayed and therefore took his wife with him, so that she was driving their X5 jeep. Lisa, in general, a rather superstitious lady, didn’t love my village, nor my house, nor Slavik’s hustle (it is clear that this lady treated me accordingly), but she loved him femininely, so twice or three times in the summer she brought her husband here with breaths and affection.
Immediately after their arrival, we sat down at the table. Slavik – what was, and Lisa to lunch dressed; took off the road costume and put on a spectacular summer dress in the colour of the sea wave. I knew she bought her clothes exclusively in Europe, going there on weekends to shop. And so, in order to come down to her (I always felt guilty before Lisa for her torments), I nodded to the dress:
and Milan? of Paris?
This work of the famous London designer Nicholas Hague, - carelessly
She answered. Money, of course, is crazy, but what to do – for the fashionable
Quality things have to be paid.
Did you buy this dress in London? Supporting a conversation on
Interesting topic, I learned about it.
- No, in Moscow on Kutuzovsky a chic boutique opened. They come there.
The work of the best fashion designers in Europe, and I now buy fashion items there.
When you don’t talk abroad, so much free time.
You guess!
After lunch, the couple decided to walk around the area. I went out of the cage, walked with them a few steps and turned back.
And here for the first time in his life, leaving the house in the opposite direction, Kolya himself approached me and, kneeling to the side of the separating couple, with an unexpected proud and happy smile for him, repeated the phrase already known to me:
Our products are beautiful on the grandmothers.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna