— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Talk to a colleague (XXH, girl) going to buy the first car:
XXX is:
I don't want an eye, just opinions divided - I am asking people who know... if you need to buy a good one, buy a good one, buy a good one, buy a good one, buy a good one.
by Zra. If you buy a dozen not from acquaintances, but from Tajiks on the market - you will get invaluable experience of overhauling the machine: steering, braking and hydraulic systems, electronics. You will change the GRM belt with your eyes closed and you will be able to stop the car without using the brake pedal (which fell down and scratches on the asphalt), and in addition you will know exactly how all four cylinders work (because they all work differently) and why the former owner glued the valve hole of the input collector with a gum.
and ZZZ:
And at the same time you will learn to distinguish between the sounds "tuk-tuktuk-grhhh-tuk" (normal engine operation) and "tuk-tuk-tukgrhz-tuk".
UUU is:
And you will know firmly that if you heard a loud "Buddha!" and then under the passenger seat ringed the bells, and the engine roars like a jigourda - it has collapsed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna