— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A U.S. official asked an Indian leader named “Two Eagles” an interesting question: “You’ve been watching white people for 90 years. You have seen their wars and their technological advances. You saw their development and the damage they caused".

The leader affirmed.

Then the official asked, "Given all these events, what do you think white people are wrong about? Where did they choose the wrong direction?

The leader looked at the white man and replied, "When the white man found the land, the Indians ruled it. There were no taxes, no debts, buffaloes and bobras were abundant, the water was clean. The women did all the work, the doctor did not take the money. Indian men spent the whole day hunting and the whole night having sex.

Then the leader turned back, smiled and added, "Only a white man can be stupid enough to think, then such a system can be improved."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna