— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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At one time, many of our students went on vacation to the United States; some watched the world, others just earned, but all received good practice in English and in different life situations.
Here is Lenochka - the daughter of good friends of mine, somehow herself, found everything on the Internet and convinced her parents to let her out of the ocean. She contacted a company that offered to go to Boston to do the airport cleaning in the cabins of aircraft arriving from flights.
Arriving at the site, Lena was immediately unpleasantly shaken by the message that she could not be allowed to work immediately - work at the international airport, directly in planes, requires identity checks by special services. I had to wait almost three weeks.
I met a peer from Scotland, who also came to earn, on the same student program. Together they rented an apartment, together they were looking for an opportunity to work, to eat and pay for the apartment.
Finally, the inspection is over. All new employees underwent detailed instruction. The cleaning of the cabin of the aircraft is carried out by the cleaning brigade in a strictly defined order. All things forgotten by passengers, the brigadier places in bags, which are attached to labels with data on the date, flight and the place where the thing was found. Someone removes the blankets from the seats, someone dusts, then wipes out the plastic parts of the seats and the cabin, removes fresh spots. On the first day of work, Lena discovered that on the floor of the cabins there were sometimes a variety of coins lost by passengers. Coins can be used to study geography.
Asked the brigadier; he advised to collect the collection.
One day, on the floor, under Lena’s chair, she found a small roll of dollars torn and crossed by a simple office rubber. I took off the rubber and looked. Twenty dollars of paper. For her, who lost twenty days waiting for work, it is money. Lena thought — and suddenly, those two hundred backs was lost by the same hungry student. At the same time, will the money get to the owner if she tells me about the finding?
Still, she turned the bills back into the roll and called the brigadier.
The next day, she was called to the cleaning service office. Thank you for the work and separately for returning the money found. And, quite unexpectedly, gave a player, and so cool that those two hundred bucks would not be enough to buy. When I returned to my apartment after work, I found a crying girlfriend. As it turned out, this girl, working in another brigade, also found exactly such a roll of dollars, but remained silent and left them to herself. When she left her job, the guard recalled her. I asked if there was anything unusual happening at work. The girl moved. Then directly in her forehead she was declared that she was fired and she was placed on a blacklist of citizens who were permanently denied entry into the United States.
And our Lenocke, in addition, allowed to work in a souvenir store, in the building of the airport station.

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